Sunday 18 September 2011

Some of my first

Luna Lyss

Luna denotes moon in Latin and Lyssa is Greek for madness. I liked the idea of the juxtaposition of the two mythological greats and have always enjoyed the connection between madness, the moon and the female form. Looking at the moon, no matter what phase it is in, is not only intoxicating and enchanting but utterly bewitching. As wispy clouds shimmer  in the moonshine  I noticed the most fascinating study of light and dark.   So I created this look, wanting to invoke an aura and an alluring eeriness. 

Reinie de la Nuit - Queen of the Night

I fell in love with the exoticism of the peacock's plumage and the deep, rich, sensuous colours. It reminded me of the ultra opulence of Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge. Black lips screamed dark, gothic eroticism at me as opposed to the conventional red. Strip lashes on the lower lash line open up the eye, creating a wider, more feminine attraction.

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